Hash Notice Board

Mismanagement 2020 - 2021

Quick links G M (Grand Meister)  R A (Religious Adviser)  Hash Cash  Beer Meister  Haberdash  Hare Line  Hash Flash  Web Geek 


G M (Grand Meister)

Name Precast Prick or PCP Phone  
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This is the age old question, many even question the need for a GM, after all 50% of us can stand there scratching their balls while talking bollocks, some (mainly ex GMs) think there is a highly skilled art in bringing order to the unruly rabble of the circle.



R A (Religious Adviser)

Name Double Top Phone  
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


lets face it you are a GM wannabee, their very own minime, you can usually spot this very sad hasher sat on the GMs lap, sat waiting for the GM to become ill so they can step into the limelight.



Hash Cash

Name Daygo the Cougars Bitch Phone Please Add
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


That annoying harsher who pesters you for money, they sit there making little piles and crossing check boxes in their well organised little hash lives, 



Beer Meister

Name Z Germans Phone Please Add
Email Please Add


The most important member of our club, we can get a trained monkey to replace the GM or RA, but if the Beer Meister goes down then its game over, Beer Miester please remember that with great power comes great responsibility.




Name Daygo the Cougars Bitch 
Phone Please Add
Email Please Add


This is the age old question, many even question the need for a GM, after all 50% of us can stand there scratching their balls while talking bollocks, some (mainly ex GMs) think there is a highly skilled art in bringing order to the unruly rabble of the circle.


 Mis Functions 


Hare Line

Name Daygo the Cougars Bitch  Phone  
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Organised the hares, you may try to avoid his wrath but a time comes in every hashers life where they should contemplate becoming a hare. ex Jehovah witnesses usually do well in this roll, if you see the hairline approach you with a clipboard before the circle then run.



Hash Flash

Name Whoever is available Phone  


This is the age old question, many even question the need for a GM, after all 50% of us can stand there scratching their balls while talking bollocks, some (mainly ex GMs) think there is a highly skilled art in bringing order to the unruly rabble of the circle.



Web Geek

Name moonpig Phone 0044 747 530 1601
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you like this website please feel free to give moonpig a drink at the hash, if not then its But For Whats fault. and please remember if it dos not work for you then its probably because you are stupid, 
