Hash Notice Board

Here’s to Brother Hasher

Melody – Ach, Du Lieber Augustin

Here’s to brother hasher,
Bother hasher, brother hasher,
Here’s to brother hasher,
May he chug-a-lug.

He’s happy, he’s jolly,
He’s fucked up by golly,
Here’s to brother hasher,
May he chug-a-lug.

So drink motherfucker,
Drink motherfucker,
Drink motherfucker,
Drink motherfucker,

Here’s to brother hasher,
May he chug-a-lug.

Notes: Every reference to “brother hasher” can be changed to “sister hasher” if the accused is female – I’ve no idea if there is a further change for he-she’s or tranny hookers, but given how much hashing there is to be done in Southeast Asia I would not be surprised if there is.