So What is this Hash thingy?
On a given Hash Day...
Two 'Hares' will set off early and lay a trail of flour (yes the kind you make bread with). The flour trail will consist of symbols dictating the direction of the trail. However, there are a number of 'symbols' to keep you on your toes. This could come in the guise of a 'False Trail', a 'Checking' or even an 'Oh Shit!' There may even be multiple examples of the above challenges and more besides.
About 1km before the end of the run/walk we always have a Beer stop. Beer will have been hidden in the bushes or in a car or it might even just be a stop at a bar.
At your first Hash the elders will educate you in the ancient runes of Hashing.
After the Hash we gather for a 'Circle' where beer is consumed, Rugby type drinking songs are sung and much silly fun is had by all. Anybody in breech of the Hash Commandments or committing any other infringements spotted by the RA (Religious Advisor) or GM (Grand Master) will be dealt with by way of a 'Down Down'.
After proceedings we usually have a sociable picnic when the weather is warm enough or a Hot Pot of Chilli or Goulash in the winter months. Sometimes we all head off for an affordable Menu del Dia somewhere.
After three or more Hashes you will be given your Hash name, this name will be decided by your fellow Hashers.