Hash Notice Board

Gang Bang

NOTES: This song begins with the chorus and the Verses are played out like a knock-knock joke. Verses can be sung in any order. At the conclusion of the song the chorus is sung again.

Melody – “Billboard March”

I love a gang bang, Oh yes I do,
‘Cause a gang bang makes me feel so good.
When I was younger, and in my prime,
I used to gang bang all the time,
But now I’m older, and turning gray,
I only gang bang twice a day.

Leader: Knock-knock
All: Who’s there?
Leader: Ida
All: Ida, who?
Leader: Ida want another gang bang!


  • Ranger,
    Arranger for best entry at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Oliver,
    All of her clothes were off at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Dolly Parton
    Dolly’s partin’ her thighs at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • YurinYurin for sloppy seconds at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Tijuana
    Tijuana bring your mother to the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Kissinger
    Kissinger great, but fuckin her’s better at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Orange
    Aren’t you glad you’re at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Aspen
    I spend too much time at the at the bang bag (chorus)

  • Irish
    I wish we were at the gang bang (chorus)

  • Shelby
    She’ll be sore after the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Police
    P-P-P-Please take me to the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Platypus
    Plenty O puss at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Howard
    How were the tits at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Extinct
    It stinked like fish at the gnag bang! (chorus)

  • Maybell
    Maybe she’ll do us all at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Ilene
    I leaned her over the couch at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Heada
    Had a lot of sex at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Shirley
    Surely you got laid at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Ima
    I’m a glad we had this gang bang! (chorus)

  • Eisenhower
    I’s an hour late for the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Gladiator
    Glad he ate her out before the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Dixie
    My dicks erect at the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Kenya
    Can ya give me directions to the gang bang! (chorus)

  • Abbott
    I bet you won’t be alone at the gang bang! (chorus)
    Charlie Pryde
    Charlie pried her legs apart at the gang bang! (chorus)