Hash Notice Board

Chicken Super Team

NOTES: The chorus is sung to start the song. Instructions are yelled out after the completion of the chorus by one of more person with the rest of the group repeating the instructions back – additional instructions are added after each completion of the chorus until all five instructions have been completed. For the wings, hands are tucked under the arm pit and flapped like they are wings. When “Chicken Attention” is called, everyone snaps to attention. By the completion of the song, everyone should be walking around like a chicken and singing the chorus.

Chicken Super Team
Melody – Penguin Power Team

Have you ever seen a chicken super team,
If you look at me, a chicken you will see,
Chicken attention! Chicken begin!


  • Left wing! (Left wing!)

  • Left wing! (Left wing!)
    Right wing! (Right wing!)

  • Left wing! (Left wing!)
    Right wing! (Right wing!)
    Ass out! (Ass out!)

  • Left wing! (Left wing!)
    Right wing! (Right wing!)
    Ass out! (Ass out!)
    Head bob! (Head bob!)

  • Left wing! (Left wing!)
    Right wing! (Right wing!)
    Ass out! (Ass out!)
    Head bob! (Head bob!)
    Walk about! (Walk about!)