Hash Notice Board


NOTES: This song is rarely, if ever, sung in Chicago. In fact, it is strictly forbidden for visitors to use this song to serenade the hash. That being said, if you travel you’ll probably be asked to sing a few verses of this, so it is in your best interest to learn it. The chorus is sung to start, followed by any verse. The first line of every verse is repeated back at the singer as a question, followed by the final two lines in response to the crowd and the line “I don’t work there anymore” is typically sung to signal the end of the verse. The entire group sings the chorus.

Melody – The Bear Went over the Mountain

I used to work in Chicago,
In a department store,
I used to work in Chicago,
I don’t work there any more.

A lady came in for some carpet, (Some carpet from the store?)
Carpet she wanted,
Shagged she got!
I don’t work there any more.


  • A lady came in for some nails,
    Nails she wanted,
    Screwed she got!

  • A man came in for a balloon,
    A balloon he wanted,
    Blown he got!

  • A man came in for a lollipop,
    A sucker he wanted,
    Sucked off he got!

  • A lady came in for drain cleaner,
    Drano she wanted,
    Clean pipes she got!

  • A lady came in for a pony,
    A horse she wanted,
    Ridden she got!

  • A man came in for some wheels, (Some wheels from the store)
    Wheels he wanted, Rimmed he got,
    I don’t work there any more.

  • A woman came in for a doughnut,
    Glazed she wanted,
    Creme-filled she got!

  • A lady came in for a throw rug,
    Rug she wanted,
    Rug-burned she got!

  • A lady came in for a felt hat,
    A felt hat she wanted,
    Felt up she got!

  • A woman came in for a brass tub,
    A brass tub she wanted,
    A golden shower she got!