Hash Notice Board

Tastes Like Shit

Melody – If You’re Happy and You Know It

If your boyfriend tastes like shit, he’s a homo,
If your boyfriend tastes like shit, he’s a homo,
If your boyfriend tastes like shit, he’s definitely packing it,
If your boyfriend tastes like shit, he’s a homo.

Variant: The lyrics can be changed to the following for a female accusation:

If your girlfriend tastes like shit, flip her over,
If your girlfriend tastes like shit, flip her over,
If your girlfriend tastes like shit, you’re licking her asshole not her clit,
If your girlfriend tastes like shit, flip her over.”

Notes: The “he’s a homo” is especially fun to sing when you’re in Boy’s Town or any other gay bar. If anyone throws a hissy-fit just remind him or her that, as Ice Princess says, “if you can take a dick you can take a joke.”