Hash Notice Board

DB Run # 146 ish - The Anual Pig Roast Run


Costa Blanca Drunken Bull H3 Directions for RUN 146, Annual Pig roast,  06 April

Run starts at 13:00 sharp 

Hares - DA cooking the pig, Foxy Lady, Production Mgr. and flour dumper BFW.

GPS:   38°35'07.64"N 0°08'44.29"W(tested on Google maps)

Traveling  from the North, exit the AP7 at Exit Nbr.65 (Benidorm Levante) turn South onto the N332 travel a short distance and follow signs for Callosa Den Saria (CV70). Starting with the first Round- a-bout at Bendorm,travel towards Callosa , at the 5th roundabout (marked Nbr 5 ,with Mercadona on the left)take the third exit onto Avigunda de Coloma , travel approx. 1.7 km following signs for Elian School, Car park opposite school at far end of open ground.

Planned Pig Roast after the circle at DA and Foxy Lady`s house.

R.S.V.P.   management accepts no responsibility for anything,right or wrong.. especially small people falling into swimming pools.

Event Properties

Event Date 06-04-2019 1:00 pm
Individual Price €5.00
Location DB Run # 146 ish - The Anual Pig Roast Run

We are no longer accepting registration for this event