Hash Notice Board

DB Run # 140 ish - The mounting goats hash Run


‌Hi. Here is the info: 
Welcome to hash 140ish, the mounting goats hash. 

The hash will start at 13:30 on Saturday 9th February from Sanet y Negrals 03769. 

The start point will be Carrer Sirio Urb Montesano.
Coordinates 38 49' 24.6209'' N0,0 1' 42.5597'' W Please park with consideration for our neighbours. 

We promise a trail of diverse terrain and far reaching views.  Long trail about 8 Kms, short trail about 4kms. 
Back to Doggy & Sprout's for circle and Asian type food. Please RSVP please by Thursday.

Event Properties

Event Date 09-02-2019 1:30 pm
Individual Price €5.00
Location DB Run # 140 ish - The mounting goats hash Run

We are no longer accepting registration for this event