Hash Notice Board

DB Run # 117 ish - we make you wet run



We were gonna get you on the best trail ever, but according to ALL weather apps and knowing it is not fake news, saturday will be the worst day ever recorded in history of... you know of what. The whole f***ing day rain and winds (not farts) of 55km/h. So after blaming the RA (I hope Spoons is driving on saturday :-D )we had to readjust. With this forecast we will do an all urbanisation run (yes, so even the old, blind, limping... can try to run) starting from our house. If the RA manages to control some weather, everything goes as normal, but if he f***s up, we start the drinks in our garage and the circle. Afterwards we will have a stew, or goulash (f*** Ballrat :-D, you won't be there) or dog food, we don't know yet. Snakebit take the plastic plates with you.

The Walk will be around 5km ish and the Run about 10km ish

Essential Details:

Hares: Double Top and Daygo the CB
Date: March the 24th at 1 pm

Google maps: Our house: https://goo.gl/maps/MHPJ3zi5DTk

or maps coordinates (just input them in maps.google.com):

38°44'05.6"N 0°12'45.1"E

38.734787, 0.212442

Price: 5 Euro

Please RSVP and let us know if you come

Event Properties

Event Date 24-03-2018 1:00 pm
Individual Price €5.00
Location DB Run # 117 ish - we make you wet run

We are no longer accepting registration for this event