Hash Notice Board

DB #212ish - Storm the Castle Run

DB #212ish Storm the Castle

Doggy, a hasher of questionable bravery but undeniable enthusiasm, stood before the towering walls of a Castle in Orba. He turned to his hashers:

"Hashers! And... Harriets! Today, we STORM THE CASTLE!" he bellowed.

A hand shot up. "Uh, we don’t have a battering ram."

Doggy frowned. "Fine! We shall climb the walls!"

Another hand. "We don’t have ladders either"

Doggy gritted his teeth. "Then we shall DIG UNDER!"

A third hand. "No shovels"

Doggy sighed. "Then how do you propose we storm this castle?"


I guess we hashers will find out as the hares have not given any other description than "Storm the Castle"

Hares: Doggy and Sprouts
38.781399, -0.068724

When: SUNDAY, 16th March, at 11:00am

On after: RSVP for reservations
Restaurant Pizzería Piscina d'Orba

Event Properties

Event Date 16-03-2025 11:00 am
Individual Price €5.00
Location DB #212ish - Storm the Castle